Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tired Of Cleaning

Anyone else?? Maybe it is just me! But I really don't think so. It seems that every time I get something cleaned up and checked off the list there is another ten things to add to the list? My question for the day is, does the list ever EVER get finished? Or am I destined to keep adding? Maybe if I didn't watch these damn shows like Neat and Mission Organized I would feel better. I know some people are thinking, if you got up off your ass and worked instead of watching tv. Well I make sure that this is when I take my break. Which usually doesn't last long anyway. But better go, kids on the move!

1 comment:

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Housework is "manly" too. Time to train Jim in the fine art of cleaning the house.