Sunday, December 30, 2007

I Wanted In Too!

Well I know I haven't blogged in a while, but right now I just don't have the time. Soon though people, soon! So for now, I chose to steal a meme from Fairy Blogmother!

So what am I into this month? This month was allll about the baking. I tend to get obsessive about things. Now that the hoildays are basically over for this family I am getting into a organizing kick.
TV show worth watching: Ummmm Private Practice, also Chuck.
The Christmas present I'm lovin': A leather bound journal, lets me vent and I don't have to try and make complete sentences like on here.
My favourite blog entry from this month: Did I do any?
Blog I'm always visiting: With out a doubt, Tale From The Fairy Blogmother.
Movie I've Seen in or Out of the Theater: Ummmmm Shrek 3. Three times already. Jim really has an obsession.
What I'm most looking forward to next month:Ummmm getting ready for Valentines ;) I am all about the hoildays.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

3 a.m. ....... peaceful bliss!!!

I used to wonder who in the hell would ever go and shop at 3 in the morning. Hmmmmm, I think I now know. Saturday at 2:30 my alarm rang, I jumped out of bed, woke my mother. Off we went, in a snowstorm I should throw in, to Wal Mart. All I have to say, it was a magical experience. Something like seeing Cinderellas castle for the first time I would imagine. We parked RIGHT IN FRONT, walked in IN OUR JAMMIES and shopped our asses off. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but as any Mom of small children would tell you, shopping in Wal Mart with them just before Christmas is impossible. We didn't have to wait in line. Zipped right thru, fantastic. Then since we had the bug, we went to the 24 hr Sobeys up here. Yet again, another magical experience. Then because the forces were with me, Tim Hortons in North Bay was 24 hr too. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Then we came home to sleeping children and husband.