Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's Cooking Wednesday - Peach Orange Marmalade

This is my time of year, I LOVE preserving. It is almost OCD'ish. My husband rolls his eyes at me when ever I find a new and somewhat different recipe. This one I found and I had to try since my father is a true lover of marmalade.

Peaches, with peel, quartered and pitted 7

Orange, cut up and seeds removed 1

Maraschino cherries, pitted 1/3 cup

Granulated Sugar, amount = to pulp

Almond Flavouring 1/2 tsp.

Put peaches and, orange and cherries through food grinder. Measure pulp and return to large pot.

Add same amount of sugar as there is pulp. Add almond flavouring. Heat and stir until sugar dissolves and it comes to a boil. Boil 30 to 40 minutes, stiffing occasionally, until a small spoonful cooled on a chilled saucer jells. Pour into hot sterilized jars to within 1.4 inch of top. Seal. Makes 5 half pints.

New Residents!!!

Today while cutting hay in one of our back fields, my husband came apon these bunch.

Now we hated to move them, but it had to be done. So now I am playing Momma and feeding them in the house. We really don't know exactly what they are, hawks perhaps? They are eager to eat, not much of a problem yet. The smell hasn't started yet either! Hopefully they grow nice and strong and we are able to release them back out into the wild of the farm. We shall see. This makes three birds between my Dad and I this year. He found a baby crow bouncing along in the bush unable to find his mother and/or fly at all. Fred as we call him is living with my parents at Key River. These guys will be residents of Field.