Monday, October 1, 2007

Old Friends

Life, it sometimes gets in the way doesn't it? Some things pass you by and you didn't even know they were moving.

Lets take old friends for example. Old is an interesting way of describing it. Just when does it go from being a best friend, to a friend, to an old friend? I seem to have missed the newsletter. Not that I am bitter in any way that my best friends have turned into old friends. Life has a funny way of doing things like that. Life gets in the way, you find Mr. Right, you go away to college, and you have kids. Maybe not in that order, but you get the idea.

So I guess, when I have having kids and living with Mr Right my friends went from the best category to old. Don't get me wrong, we still talk. Shit, we may even see each other once or twice a year. Most of the time its if they come up here, kids at 3 and 1 aren't the best to take to others houses for the night.

Has anyone else encountered this?