Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I decided to Play too

“Devise a list of 5-10 courses you would take to fix your life. It’s more fun to be in classes with friends, so include one class from the person who tagged you that you’d also like to take. Tag five.”

Knitting, it would be a fun class to take with Shan plus I know slightly more then the basics but would love for someone to teach this lefty how to knit in rounds.

Sewing, I just have soooo many projects and no idea how to use my brand new sewing machine.

French, I live in a French community and it might just help me blend in since I still stick out as the "english speaker"

Photography - I am really not that great at it yet.

Cooking - Not that I would need much help, I getting pretty good. I just am not that great with seafood. It scares me! lol!

1 comment:

Shan said...

Yay! You're back! Would love to take a knitting class with you!