Wednesday, November 15, 2006


This is a word that I am quite familiar with. I end up doing this several times a day. But I find myself lately trying to find a cure. But I don't think it is working, just by looking around this room I can tell you that it isn't working, anyone out there have any ideas? I can't come up with any, I try lists. That didn't work. I try going room by room, that doesn't work either. I don't know what else to try. I have the two little ones to deal with but that should be an excuse. The worst part is that I am doing it now. Right here while I am writing this out, I should be finishing my dishes, changing loads in the dryer, sweeping one of the many floors in this house, but no I am here writing. Maybe one day I will get the motivation to get up and do something but right now I think I am voting for procrastination.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Best of luck decorating for christmas. I try to do one small project each day. Eventually it will all get done. Enjoy your family now and don't worry about the dust bunnies. The children will be grown up in a blink of you eye. Blessings, Veronica