Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just Like That

I have sad news for anyone that has been reading about Harry and Ginny. Today.... should i say it...... Harry died. I know, it really sucks. We came home from yardsaling and there he was on the floor. I think that he finally figured out how to jump and jumped out of his box, perhaps the dog mauled him, trying to play. I guess I will never know, however there is now a screen across the top of Ginnys box and she isn't as lonely as I thought she would be. I shall have to find a teddy bear for tonight though, something for her to cuddle with. I know,,,, depressing post!


darlene said...

ahhhh, i am sooo sad, god bless you for trying to take such good care of these little guys! have a heart of gold

Shan said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that.