Sunday, December 30, 2007

I Wanted In Too!

Well I know I haven't blogged in a while, but right now I just don't have the time. Soon though people, soon! So for now, I chose to steal a meme from Fairy Blogmother!

So what am I into this month? This month was allll about the baking. I tend to get obsessive about things. Now that the hoildays are basically over for this family I am getting into a organizing kick.
TV show worth watching: Ummmm Private Practice, also Chuck.
The Christmas present I'm lovin': A leather bound journal, lets me vent and I don't have to try and make complete sentences like on here.
My favourite blog entry from this month: Did I do any?
Blog I'm always visiting: With out a doubt, Tale From The Fairy Blogmother.
Movie I've Seen in or Out of the Theater: Ummmmm Shrek 3. Three times already. Jim really has an obsession.
What I'm most looking forward to next month:Ummmm getting ready for Valentines ;) I am all about the hoildays.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

3 a.m. ....... peaceful bliss!!!

I used to wonder who in the hell would ever go and shop at 3 in the morning. Hmmmmm, I think I now know. Saturday at 2:30 my alarm rang, I jumped out of bed, woke my mother. Off we went, in a snowstorm I should throw in, to Wal Mart. All I have to say, it was a magical experience. Something like seeing Cinderellas castle for the first time I would imagine. We parked RIGHT IN FRONT, walked in IN OUR JAMMIES and shopped our asses off. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but as any Mom of small children would tell you, shopping in Wal Mart with them just before Christmas is impossible. We didn't have to wait in line. Zipped right thru, fantastic. Then since we had the bug, we went to the 24 hr Sobeys up here. Yet again, another magical experience. Then because the forces were with me, Tim Hortons in North Bay was 24 hr too. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Then we came home to sleeping children and husband.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I decided to Play too

“Devise a list of 5-10 courses you would take to fix your life. It’s more fun to be in classes with friends, so include one class from the person who tagged you that you’d also like to take. Tag five.”

Knitting, it would be a fun class to take with Shan plus I know slightly more then the basics but would love for someone to teach this lefty how to knit in rounds.

Sewing, I just have soooo many projects and no idea how to use my brand new sewing machine.

French, I live in a French community and it might just help me blend in since I still stick out as the "english speaker"

Photography - I am really not that great at it yet.

Cooking - Not that I would need much help, I getting pretty good. I just am not that great with seafood. It scares me! lol!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Critters, Critters and More Critters

Well we have some new additions to the family that haven't been discussed on here yet. About a month ago Lucy and I found a pack of gerbils to give away in the Bargain Hunter, our local sale advertiser. So we went and picked them up. Well two weeks ago we were looking again, since I must be a sucker for punishment. We found two guinea pigs and a lop eared bunny with cages, because that is a must when acquiring pets for free. ;) Now we have this "flock" of critters in the house. Good thing I buy all my shavings at the feed store.
I also have an update on Ginny, for all those that were reading about her. About two months ago she started flying around the house. In case you are interesting is isn't as great as it sounds. Lets just say they are not fussy about where and when they shit. So we decided to move her to the barn and let her find the way out. Well she did and she stayed for almost a week, then she left. Lucy tells everyone that Ginny went to get a boyfriend. Don't you wish you were still that optimistic???

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What's Cooking Wednesday - Apple Pie Filling

Apple Pie Filling

Peeled, Cored, cut up apples 5 cups
Granulated Sugar 1 Cup

Minute Tapioca 2 Tbsp.
Ground Cinnamon 1/2 Tsp.
Lemon Juice 1 Tsp.

Combine the apples and sugar in large pot. Stir. Let stand until juice start to be released. Stir as you bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil hard to 1 minute.

Mix in tapioca, cinnamon, and lemon jucice. Boil hard for 1 minute more. Pack into hot sterilized jars to within 1/2 inch of the top. Secure lids. Process in a hot water bath for 20 minutes.

One quart jar makes a nine inch pie.

As we now have a great abundance of apples this seems like the thing to do with some of them. Made a case of these puppies this morning.

Maybe for some food that you can eat for supper tonight you should check out.....

Sognatrice with some pasta alla norma.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Old Friends

Life, it sometimes gets in the way doesn't it? Some things pass you by and you didn't even know they were moving.

Lets take old friends for example. Old is an interesting way of describing it. Just when does it go from being a best friend, to a friend, to an old friend? I seem to have missed the newsletter. Not that I am bitter in any way that my best friends have turned into old friends. Life has a funny way of doing things like that. Life gets in the way, you find Mr. Right, you go away to college, and you have kids. Maybe not in that order, but you get the idea.

So I guess, when I have having kids and living with Mr Right my friends went from the best category to old. Don't get me wrong, we still talk. Shit, we may even see each other once or twice a year. Most of the time its if they come up here, kids at 3 and 1 aren't the best to take to others houses for the night.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just Like That

I have sad news for anyone that has been reading about Harry and Ginny. Today.... should i say it...... Harry died. I know, it really sucks. We came home from yardsaling and there he was on the floor. I think that he finally figured out how to jump and jumped out of his box, perhaps the dog mauled him, trying to play. I guess I will never know, however there is now a screen across the top of Ginnys box and she isn't as lonely as I thought she would be. I shall have to find a teddy bear for tonight though, something for her to cuddle with. I know,,,, depressing post!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

What's Cooking Today

I had to post this today, since I might run out of steam by Wednesday. I just bought it out of the oven, the smell is out of this world. Lucy is excited since this is what we did with her zucchini from the garden.
Tart Lime Zucchini Loaf

All-Purpose Flour 1 1/2 cups
Bran Buds Cereal 1 cup
Baking Powder 2 tsp.
Baking Soda 1 tsp.
Ground Cinnamon 1 tsp.
Salt 1/2 tsp.
Ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp.

Large Eggs 2
Granulated sugar 1/3 cup
Brown Sugar, packed 1/3 cup
Cooking Oil 1/3 cup
Vanilla Extract 1 tsp.

Grated Unpeeled Zucchini 2 cups
Grated Lime Zest 1 tbsp

Lime Juice 1/4 cup
Granulated sugar 1/4 cup

Measure first 7 ingredients into large bowl. Stir. Make a well in centre.

Brat next 5 ingredients with whisk in medium bowl. Add to well.

Add zucchini and lime zest. Stir until just moistened. Spread in greased 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan. Bake in 350 degree oven for about 50 minutes until wooden pick inserted comes out clean.

Stir lime juice into sugar in small cup until sugar is dissolved. Randomly poke several holes in loaf with wooden pick. Spoon lime juice mixture over loaf. Let stand in pan until cooled completely. Cuts into 16 slices.

The only things that I did different with this was I didn't use the bran cereal, I used the natural bran you buy in the small bags just by the cereal boxes. ALOT cheaper. It was only about 1.50 or so for the bag vs. 3-4 bucks for a small box of the actual cereal.

To make things easier I used my food processer. LET me tell you, gets the job done in 1/10 of the time.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Can't Wait

Am I the only one out there that is waiting like a giddy school girl for the new tv season to start??? I mean not only are my family from Greys going to be back on the air, but hey Private Practice is starting. I am one of those people that tend to get too involved with these shows. Kinda like they are family,. I do that same thing with books. (Please note the tear in the corner of my eye from finishing Harry Potter 7) So right now I am just grasping at straws, watching for the next update. I know, nasty habit, but everything should just have one.

Friday, August 3, 2007

It's Almost Over

Well another year of haying is just about done. It has been a giant pain in the ass! There is only a few fields left to do, that will be done after yardsaling in the morning. Then it is time to do wood for the winter. Meanwhile I don't think that i have posted any pictures of the new horse Evita. She is a purebred paint. Nice and Friendly, comes right up to Lucy for a pet on the nose.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Our Little Gardener

Today was a good day for Lucy, she finally got some results from all her hard work with Mom in the garden. We were walking thru today and found a very large zucchini and some tiny Tim tomatoes that were ready for the picking. We have planted alot of different things. It seems this year is going to be all about the tomatoes. All of the twenty some plants that went in have tomatoes coming on them, I guess there will be lots of tomatoes canning coming my way

On another note , Ginny and Harry are doing quite well. Hopping around the box and getting quite vocal when they want to eat. Guess that is a good sign. I guess I get to play Momma bird too now. There is a storm rolling in tonight, I HOPE! I can't stand this heat. I would rather it be raining and cold then this.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's Cooking Wednesday - Peach Orange Marmalade

This is my time of year, I LOVE preserving. It is almost OCD'ish. My husband rolls his eyes at me when ever I find a new and somewhat different recipe. This one I found and I had to try since my father is a true lover of marmalade.

Peaches, with peel, quartered and pitted 7

Orange, cut up and seeds removed 1

Maraschino cherries, pitted 1/3 cup

Granulated Sugar, amount = to pulp

Almond Flavouring 1/2 tsp.

Put peaches and, orange and cherries through food grinder. Measure pulp and return to large pot.

Add same amount of sugar as there is pulp. Add almond flavouring. Heat and stir until sugar dissolves and it comes to a boil. Boil 30 to 40 minutes, stiffing occasionally, until a small spoonful cooled on a chilled saucer jells. Pour into hot sterilized jars to within 1.4 inch of top. Seal. Makes 5 half pints.

New Residents!!!

Today while cutting hay in one of our back fields, my husband came apon these bunch.

Now we hated to move them, but it had to be done. So now I am playing Momma and feeding them in the house. We really don't know exactly what they are, hawks perhaps? They are eager to eat, not much of a problem yet. The smell hasn't started yet either! Hopefully they grow nice and strong and we are able to release them back out into the wild of the farm. We shall see. This makes three birds between my Dad and I this year. He found a baby crow bouncing along in the bush unable to find his mother and/or fly at all. Fred as we call him is living with my parents at Key River. These guys will be residents of Field.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Whats Cooking Wednesday

Since, I will always do more baking then I do cooking. I thought I would put what I baked here instead of what we were having for dinner. Since that probably will be determined about ten min before 5.

Chocolate Cake

All Purpose Flour 1 3/4 Cups
Baking Soda 1/4 Tsp.
Baking Powder 1 1/2 Tsp.
Salt 1/2 Tsp.
Shortening 1/2 Cups.
Sugar 1 1/4 Cups
Eggs 2
Unsweetened, melted 2 Squares
Vanilla 1 Tsp.
Milk 1 Cup

Stir flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. Cream shortening; add sugar gradually, beating between additions. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Stir in melted chocolate and vanilla, blending well. Add dry ingredients alternately with milk, blending well after each addition. Pour into greased and floured cake pans. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 min.

Rich Butter Frosting

Butter 1/4 Cup
Egg 1
Icing Sugar 2 3/4 Cups
Vanilla 1 Tsp.

Cream butter well; stir in egg. Add sugar, a little at a time, beating until light and fluffy. Stir in vanilla.

If you need more sugar add it until you have frosting that is the consistency that you would like.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Finished My New Book

I don't know where exactly I found the time to read. It has been one my biggest hobbies that have taken a back seat since I had kids, but for Thomas Harris I will find exception. I found myself in love with Hannibal Raising. I know a great number of my reading friends don't like reading Thomas Harris, for fear there is too much gore. This time there wasn't much at all, it seems to fill in the blanks that I had to questions that came about by reading the other three novels. This part of the series it actually the first. If that makes any sense at all. It explains why he is the way he is, and what his childhood was like. For die hard Hannibal fans it is a great read and seems to move quite quickly, before you know it the book is done. Now I am on to my next book, Cross!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Search Is Over

Yesterday my friends I found something amazing! I found the ultimate Chocolate Chip cookie recipes. I say this with such enthusism because I have been searching a long time. The cookies were either runny and hard as hell when cooled, or too chewy and fell apart the next day. So here it is,


1 Cup butter, softened 1 teaspoon baking soda

1 Cup White Sugar 2 Teaspoons hot water

1 Cup packed brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt

2 Eggs 2 Cups semisweet chocolate chips

2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract 1 Cup Chopped Walnuts (optional)

3 Cups All Purpose Flour


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugaruntil smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the nailla. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. Strin in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. Drop by large spponfuls onto ungreased pans.

3. Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated over, or until edges are nicely brown.

The only thing that I did, was I didn't soften my margarine too much, I used a mixer and whipped the batter nicely then worked the chips in by hand.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Just Like That And It Was Gone

No I am not talking about anything toooo serious, but my primetime "soap opera" had its finale show last night. The OC is offically off the air. I know there are people rolling their eyes across the board. But when you watch a show from beginning to end, sometimes it feels like you having friends that are leaving. Also I am mad there isn't more questions answered. Does Ryan get married? Where and what happened to Taylor? Why are Bullet and Frank both with Julie? I do know and understand why it went off the air, there just wasn't the rating that it used to have. Well when you put something against CSI and Greys Anatomy there isn't going to be the rating that there used to be. I also think that the networks cut "good" shows with too much haste. Under the new standards Friends would have been cut, also M*A*S*H would have been cut. Both great shows, and long runners. They just needed the fan base to grow over a year or so. Well since I am rambling now I will wrap it up.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Recipe Of The Day

Apple Mince Muffins

All- Purpose Flour 2 Cups
Granulated Sugar 1/3 Cup
Baking Powder 1 Tbsp.
Salt 1/2 Tsp.
Ground Cinnamon 1/4 Tsp
Large Egg 1
Mincemeat 1 Cup
Unsweetened Applesauce 1/2 Cup
Apple Juice 1/2 Cup
Cooking Oil 1/4 Cup
Measure first 6 ingrediants into large bowl. Stir. Make a well in centre.
Combine remaining 5 ingrediants in medium bowl. Add to well. Stir until just moistened. Fill 12 greased muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake in 375 F oven for 20 - 22 minutes. until wooden pick comes out clean. Let stand in tin for 5 min before removing.
Loved this, they were moist, tasted really great.


Oh my god! I have been trying to declutter for ummm months now, it just seems that i get nowhere. I know that I have packrat tendicies but I am trying really hard. I have found that I am great at getting rid of other peoples junk in this house. Like my husbands for instance. He has clothes that i swear he was given in his teens. He is turning 40 this year! My daughter had soo many toys and clothes that she could take up a whole storage room. I have gotten two industrial garbage bags full of clothes to go to the "sally anne" plus have given some to a new mom I know. But am I the only one? Are there others out there that pack shit away thinking that they might actually use it one day, only to find in ten years you still have it and no you didn't use it!

Where Did Valentines Go?

As I sit here this morning reading all the blog entries made yesterday, I wonder where did my Valentines Day go?? I went with a friend yesterday to take her grandson and daughter to the big city of Sudbury. Our "V-day" dinner was spent eating McDonalds on the way to Costco. What is a trip to Sudbury without visiting Costco. Then I get home LATE, that is the usual I guess. Had to put two kids to bed, which isn't the speediest thing to do. So I guess this is what happens when you are married. Crap gets in the way, it isn't like my husband is going to Worlds Biggest Romantic either. Just have to wait until next year to see what happens. Now on to St. Patricks Day!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Getting To Know You

I "borrowed" this from a fellow blogger. Hope that she doesn't mind.
1. What is your occupation? Homemaker.
2. What color are your socks right now? Don't have any on.
3. What are you listening to right now? Buttons by the Pussy Cat Dolls.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Cinnamon Bun.
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yeap.
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Navy Blue.
7. The last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom.
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I kinda stole it.
9. How old are you today?23
10. Favorite drink? Ice cold water.
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? None really.
12. Have you ever dyed your hair?A long time ago.
13. Pets. Way too many to list, but in the house, two dogs and the cat.
14. Favorite food? Just one! I don't know, homemade eggrolls right now.
15. What was the last movie you watched? The DaVinci Code, wasn't that impressed.
16. What do you do to vent anger?Call Mom or Bobby Jo and bitch.
17. What was your favorite toy as a child? My stuffed dragon
18. What is your favorite season? Fall.
19. Hugs or kisses? Kisses
20. Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries, I think.
21. Do you want your friends to email you back?Doesn't matter
22. Who is most likely to respond? Don't have a clue.
23.Who is least likely to respond? I'm not sure it applies since I'm not emailing it.
24. Living arrangements? On an old farm.
25. When was the last time you cried? Ummm Watching Greys Anatomy on Thursday.
26. What is on the floor of your closet? Too much to name.
27. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to?Not sure.
28. What did you do last night? Bathed the kids, made Cinnamon Buns, watched my shows.
29. Favorite smells? Lavender
30. What are you afraid of? Big Ugly bugs
31. Favorite dog breed?Great Dane!
33. Number of keys on your key ring? I don't have a key ring.
34. Favorite day of the week?I LOVE thursday, you can't be a little McDreamy and McSteamy.
35. How many Provinces have you lived in? Just Ontario.
36. Favorite holiday?Halloween
37. Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery? Yeah, skidders and tractors.
38. Ever left the country?Nope
39. Favorite kind of music? Country. LOVE Keith Urban.
.40. Last book you read? Can't really say too many on the go at once.
.41. What career do you wish you had pursued?Nursing.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tired Of Cleaning

Anyone else?? Maybe it is just me! But I really don't think so. It seems that every time I get something cleaned up and checked off the list there is another ten things to add to the list? My question for the day is, does the list ever EVER get finished? Or am I destined to keep adding? Maybe if I didn't watch these damn shows like Neat and Mission Organized I would feel better. I know some people are thinking, if you got up off your ass and worked instead of watching tv. Well I make sure that this is when I take my break. Which usually doesn't last long anyway. But better go, kids on the move!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Could He Finally Get It?

I don't know, maybe I am thinking slanted. But for the longest time my hubby thought that there was nothing to my job at all. Two kids and a large house isn't a small task to keep up. He thought that he had it rough in the barn during the day and keeping up with all the equipment repairs. But even if it were for a few mere moments a saw the bright lights of the other side of getting thru to him. Yesterday morning Jacob the baby woke up extra early. Around 6. So he got up and took him downstairs so I could sleep a little longer. I know it sounds stupid that this makes me smile. But in my way of thinking, maybe just maybe that light might get stronger.